
 Looking for a professional appraisal or second opinion?

Premier Coin & Currency provides professional, transparent and unbiased written as well as anecdotal appraisals for:flipped

  • Private collectors
  • Estate executors & Institutions
  • Insurance Purposes
  • Division of assets & litigation

Each of our appraisals are custom tailored to our clients exact needs, and can be used for a variety of purposes.

All of our written appraisals comply with professional numismatic standards and are written in a clear, concise and easy to understand manner. Professional quality digital photography services are available upon request.

The appraisal process begins by speaking with our senior numismatist to help us better understand your specific needs and requirements.

Phone 90x90Call today for a Free no obligation consultation.

                Toronto: (647) 401-9434

                Owen Sound & Collingwood: (226) 256-9445